Hey, I’m Cat nice to meet you. I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with a Master’s in Sports & Health Science.

You can view my credentials here,

My Story

If you are anything like me, you’ve probably had… hmm, let’s say a…turbulent relationship with exercise and your body.

Diet culture makes us feel that we have to conform to a very narrow beauty standard to feel good about ourselves or be worthy of the life we deserve. But here’s the secret…you’re already worthy.

It took me a long time, but as I am sitting here typing this today, I feel truly connected to my self worth and I am the most confident I have ever been, and you deserve to feel this way too!

But I wasn’t always this confident…

Unfortunately, diet culture has made us believe that in order to work in fitness you have to look a certain way. That your body is your CV and my body was not and is not a reflection of the fitness industry - beauty standard.

This made me feel really terrible about myself for the longest time and I felt like a fraud.

I live with a few chronic health conditions which affect my ability to follow a strict exercise regime. I’m really at the mercy of how my symptoms behave on a day-to-day basis. This means I have found it really challenging to obtain the ‘body of my dreams.’

But as a former dancer turned Sports Science graduate, I know how transformative movement can be, mentally and physically.

I don’t know what happened, maybe my Saturn Return, but I had this awakening.

I realised that exercise is so much more than a tool to lose weight or get a peachy booty.

And yes, of course having appearance-based goals is fine, but there is way more to focus on beyond that.

When we focus on how movement can change our mood, help us with pain management or improve our fitness so we can go on long walks with our loved ones. Then we are getting to experience the power of movement.

When I released goals around changing my appearance and focused on exercise as self-care, a way of nourishing my body and supporting my long-term health, wow that was like a weight lifted from my shoulders.

I no longer came to the mat with the sole purpose of burning off my lunch. I stopped immediately running to the mirror post-workout to see if my abs had popped through yet. Instead, exercise became a moment of total body harmony.

Finally, I found my peace and you can too!

So, this is why I shifted the way I work with clients.

The CDW approach to fitness is simple, exercise to nourish not punish your body.

Taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as physical.

We do this through honouring rest, focusing on what the body can do and how it functions rather than just how it looks.

Incorporating weekly check-ins to see how your stress levels have been and how much sleep you're getting supports your holistic well-being and allows me as your PT to adapt your exercise program accordingly.

Because exercise should support you and fit into your life, not the other way around.

Book a free call with me, to see how I can support your journey.



  • Master of Sports & Health Science - Exeter University

  • Dance Theatre (1st Class BA hons) - Plymouth University


  • L3 Personal Trainer - 1 year in person training at Exeter College via YMCA Awards

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist - National Academy of Sports Medicine

  • L3 Pre & Postnatal - National Academy of Sports Medicine

  • L3 Exercise Referral - Diploma YMCA Awards

  • TRX Fitness Instructor - TRX UK


  • Health & Wellness Life Coach - Efficient Coach [Accredited IPHM]

  • Meditation Teacher L3 Diploma - Centre of Excellence [Accredited by Complimentary Medicine Association]

  • EFT Tapping Practitioner - The Priority Academy

  • Mental Health First Aid (L2) - NCFE, CACHE

  • Life Coach (Diploma) - BLOC, QLS


Trauma-Informed Coaching: The Centre for Healing

Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Practitioner: Bethlehem Institute

Body Forgiveness: The Intersection of Forgiveness and Self-Compassion in Positive Body Image and Eating Disorder Recovery: PESI UK

Healing Trauma with Janina Fisher: Essential Strategies for Shame, Self-Loathing & Working with the Body: PESI UK

Putting Polyvagal Theory Into Practice With Deb Dana: Essential Strategies for Creating Safety and Connection With Trauma Clients: PESI UK

Nutrition Advisor: BLOC, QLS


Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA)