Here to empower your wellness journey.

If you're on a wellness journey but find that the world can get a little too noisy sometimes, you've landed in the right place. I created this podcast, to support people like you to tune out the noise and tune back into themselves.

Hi, my name is Catarina a self-improvement enthusiast with a history of taking it a little too far. Over time, I've dialled it back and found simple and sustainable ways of engaging with self-care and wellness without it becoming another thing on the to-do list and I want to share that with you.

I'm also a certified personal trainer, wellness coach and Sports Science MSc, so expect episodes to be rooted in science with a splash of spirituality and loads of heart. 

Each season is packed with solo episodes and expansive conversations with experts in the field of health science, fitness and wellness.

Now grab a warm drink and let's dive in.